Pretty much the most interesting blog on the Internet.— Prof. Steven Landsburg

Once you get past the title, and the subtitle, and the equations, and the foreign quotes, and the computer code, and the various hapax legomena, a solid 50% English content!—The Proprietor

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tim Worstall Gets Econ of Insurance Wrong

Tim Worstall is a British economic commentator with a free-market bent who writes for Forbes and the Adam Smith Institute. His usual beat is the economic fallacies of some other, less insightful British econ commentators and his denunciations to them are often highly amusing, if a little salty.

In a recent post on the economics of insurance, I think he screwed the pooch. He tries to explain why writing insurance which are unprofitable on insurance basis might still be a good business:

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thank You, Citibank and Uncle Sam!

I live in a pleasant 9,000 sq ft, 8 bedroom house in Northern Virginia, about 10 miles from the White House and my work. Recently I refinanced the mortgage on this house. Let's look at the economic implications.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Tax Expenditure Which Dares Not Speak Its Name

One topic of frequent exhortation on taxes among progressive policy wonkeries, such as the Tax Policy Center, are tax expenditures, or internal revenue code provisions which reduce tax revenues below what they would otherwise be.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Primitive Christianity

I happened across this passage in my recent reading and, while it is well-known, the events of Fifth Century Alexandria bring to mind recent events in the history of another major Abrahamic religion and it bears quoting: